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[不指定 2010/10/22 17:36 | by admin ]


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bhying62 Email Homepage
2011/08/05 17:34
What you saw in my segments of The Office Show was a mixture of old PowerPoint and new PowerPoint 2010 features. The Design Tab Changing design to a new look and color is as easy as it looks in the video. In PowerPoint 2007 and above, you can preview changes as you mouse over the icons. You can change them quickly if you were caught in Tina and Laura&rsquo;s scenario, but often the formatting will be off on some styles. However, you can change the theme color very quickly with no ill effect so no two presentations ever have to look the same. There are at least 20 color changes for each theme design. See this introduction of themes for PowerPoint.   Working with Images When working with images (and we have over a hundred thousand free images at Office.com), the remove background feature is new this year. These instructions go into the specifics, but the most fun you can have fun in PowerPoint 2010 is letting your inner child go and just play around with process.  Cropping to a Shape has been around for a while. What I did was just use cropping a picture to a shape.    Combine Shapes How to Combine Shapes, a “hidden” feature--another fun thing to play around with and figure out the possibilities—is described in detail in the PowerPoint blog.To discover the command, you need to add it to your Quick Access Toolbar (a great place to add your most-used commands). You can watch a short video on the Quick Access Toolbar or click these commands: File >PowerPoint Options > Customize Ribbon > Commands Not in the Ribbon  > Shape Combine. ”      -- Doug Thomas           <div
bhying45 Email Homepage
2011/08/05 15:21
You can download Workplace 2010 free Product Guide to know more about Workplace 2010 features. Make sure that your system meets Workplace 2010 system requirements before installing it. So, enjoy your free copy of Workplace 2010!

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Users who been running the beta version of Office 2010, which was released back in November 2009, need to uninstall it before installing Workplace 2010 RTM. Both x86 and x64 versions of Office Professional Plus are available for download.
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Tags: Download Office 2010 RTM, Microsoft Office 2010

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Office 2010 RTM Now Obtainable For TechNet & MSDN Subscribers Posted April 22, 2010 - 10:19 pm in: Microsoft Office
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As expected, Microsoft made offered for download Microsoft Office 2010 RTM to TechNet and MSDN subscribers just a few minutes back. Office 2010 was released to manufacturing on April 15, 2010.
aishuesh99 Email Homepage
2011/07/25 21:02
Microsoft has launched a brand new Internet web page that's aimed at stepping up its campaign to maneuver people off Internet Explorer (IE) six.
The new website &#8212; the Internet Explorer six Countdown &#8212; went live on March 4. The site &#8220;is dedicated to watching Web Explorer six usage drop to less than 1% worldwide, so more websites can choose to drop support for World-wide-web Explorer 6, saving hours of work for internet developers,&#8221; according to the web page.
The web page includes links to tools for businesses that are stuck with IE six because they;ve developed internal-facing apps that are dependent on Microsoft;s 10-year-old, non-standards-compliant browser.Gartner analysts have complained in the past that Microsoft;s tools for moving business users off IE 6 are too pricey.
The new IE Countdown website also includes a planet map,microsoft office 2007, highlighting which countries around the world still have the most IE six installations. (China is No. 1.)
In addition to focusing on the developer side of the &#8220;IE six must die&#8221; message, Microsoft officials also are emphasizing the improved security from which IE users can benefit by switching to IE 8. IE 9 is still in Release Candidate stage and is not mentioned as a comparison point.
Update: Another reason IE 9 is not mentioned &#8212; which I didn;t consider earlier &#8212; is that IE 9 won;t work with/on Windows XP. I;d wager that a substantial percentage of those stuck with IE 6 are also still using XP, and if those customers want to stick with IE, they can only upgrade to IE 8.
melton30 Email Homepage
2011/07/24 02:12
Consumer Query: I put in two Windows Vista, 1 which has been abandoned , could possibly not get rid of the clean boot in to the system each and every time the two will seem before the Vista Start off menu. How do I delete the extra menu products that Vista ?

solution : to resolve this strategy,Cheap Windows 7 Starter, the program could be built bcdedit.exe Windows Vista command-line system to resolve this . Particular steps are as follows :

one , together with the software :

Open Vista optimized master three.0beta1, click on about the

2nd, the manual implementation :

1, right-click Membership with the command line plan ;

2, in the Content, uncover the line comparable towards the abandoned program resumeobject 572bcd56-ffa7-11d9-aae0-0007e994107d code. The figure is only an example of operating bcdedit , your reference :

three, then enter bcdedit / delete code to get rid of the waste menu.
hmaylzwgx Email Homepage
2011/03/27 02:48
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