香港2010年7月12日電 /美通社亞洲/ -- Citibank推出全新「月月增息」支票儲蓄戶口,是一個綜合儲蓄、支票及香港證券結算於一身的戶口,利率為一般儲蓄存款利率的25倍(1)。客戶的每月平均戶口結餘增長只要達到最低增長要求(即HK$4,000,利息將每月自動遞增,年利率高達0.8%。除可享高息,更可隨時隨地透過櫃員機提款、轉賬到其他戶口,亦可利用支票簿提款而毋需於開出支票前轉賬到提款戶口,靈活方便。


* 週轉金洽桃園利率可於連續12個月的存款期內隨結餘增長而逐月遞升,


* 週轉金洽桃園如客戶未能定時達到最低增長要求,亦可以享有0.55%年利率(3)

*週轉金洽桃園 不設最低存款要求及豁免服務月費,兼備儲蓄的特點,


如有任何查詢,請致電24小時Citibank電話理財服務(852) 2860 0333。


1 截至2010年7月12日,基本年利率(0.25%)為花旗銀行之參考儲蓄

2 客戶於連續12個月內達到最低增長要(即HK$4,000),而其戶口結餘




3 客戶須於連續6個月的每日平均戶口結餘達到最低增長要求(即HK$4,000),

即可獲0.55%年利率 (安全網)保障。如客戶於連續6個月後之月份未有遞增

或未達到最低增長要求(即HK$4,000) ,仍可享0.55%年利率。
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2012/07/17 02:20
Detroit Red Wings fans haven't seen the last of Nicklas Lidstrom. No, the all-everything defenseman hasn't decided to chuck retirement again. Lidstrom will remain in the organization as a scout.
Expect him to troll for talent in Scandinavia. That's not Michigan, but it keeps a legend aligned with the only team he has known.
"We haven't really sat down (and determined) to what extent, but he'll be in the organization and do everything he can to help us out,trap doors and catapults.," Wings exec Jim Nill said during Wings prospects camp. "We might bring him back here. It depends on the situation. His terms. We wanted to keep him in the organization."
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2012/07/14 10:42
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Investigate the price. LV belts cost upwards of $500 so why would anyone want to sell a real one for $50? However, this is not necessary a certain guide all of the time. The article in question could be an unwanted gift to someone whose taste is not LV.
Examine the packaging. The belt is placed in a dust bag and the package is wrapped with a leather string. Authentic items could lack both dust bag and string, but a non-leather string claiming to be an original is a fake.
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2012/07/12 15:03
Hague tells world leaders that failing to impose sanctions against Assad allows Syria's brutal regime to carry on killingAssad ally and close friend Manaf Tlas defects to Turkey
Western leaders met in Paris for 'Friends of Syria' conference
Hillary Clinton: 'Russia and China must pay price for supporting Assad'
French President Francois Hollande wants stiffer sanctions against regime
But Russia replies by saying Clinton's assertions are 'not correct'
Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov says she goes against what has already been agreed
By David Williams
PUBLISHED: 09:03 GMT,Givenchy Shoes, 6 July 2012 | UPDATED: 23:10 GMT, 6 July 2012
Comments (45) Share
Britain yesterday warned countries which are refusing to impose sanctions on Syria that they are effectively allowing killings of civilians to continue.
At a meeting in Paris of Western and Arab states that back the rebel uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, Foreign Secretary William Hague's blunt message was aimed mainly at staunch Syrian allies China and Russia.
He said: 'There is no way of sitting on the sidelines on this.
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2012/07/10 06:08
Subsequent approval of the Conference Report, Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke introduced a statement calling the Dodd-Frank Act "a welcome and far-reaching step toward preventing a replay of the recent monetary crisis." He added "Even before passage of reform legislation, the Federal Reserve has been overhauling its supervision and regulation of banking organizations and working to strengthen monetary market infrastructures and practices. We will be focused and diligent in carrying out our responsibilities below the new law."
FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair stated "a meaningful framework is now in place that addresses numerous from the weaknesses in our monetary system that led towards the monetary crisis." She said that the bill would enforce market discipline by making obvious thatDODD ACT PASSES and creditors will bear the losses that could arise from their actions, and additional that she was "very pleased" how the expenses would strengthen funds needs.
During the July 15, 2010, argument about the cloture movement, Senate Republicans continued to criticize the expenses. Consumer banking Committee Ranking Member Richard Shelby, R-Ala., known as the bill a "2,300 page legislative monster that expands the scope and energy of ineffective bureaucracies, produces vast new bureaucracies with small accountability, and seriously undermines the competitiveness from the American economy." He also charged that the creation of a customer protection bureau "will slow economic growth and kill work by imposing massive new regulatory burdens on businesses." In his floor comments, Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.,One advantage of, complained that the bill did nothing to address the difficulties at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and that it imposed too a lot new federal manage.
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